Quick Cart is an easy way to shop for your groceries online. Quick Cart combines your previous in-store and online ValuCard purchases to create a list of favorite and recommended items. Use Quick Cart to add items to your cart for quicker, more convenient shopping.

Quick Cart

Quick Cart is an easy way to shop for your groceries online. Quick Cart combines your previous in-store and online ValuCard purchases to create a list of favorite and recommended items. Use Quick Cart to add items to your cart for quicker, more convenient shopping.

You can add items directly from Quick Cart into your shopping list, for planning a future visit, or directly into your shopping cart to order the items right away.

Quick Cart Saves You Time

You can add items directly from Quick Cart into your shopping list, for planning a future visit, or directly into your shopping cart to order the items right away. Select staples that you may be running low on or any frequently purchased item easily without the hassle of extensive searching. For even more convenience you can filter your Quick Cart items by product category, department, brands and more.

Where Can I Find Quick Cart?

Quick Cart is easily accessible at the top of the website, if your home store is set to an active curbside pickup location. You must be logged into your FoodCity.com account to view Quick Cart items.